Cindy Sasso has generously volunteered to facilitate an SIMC Death Cafe. A Death Cafe is a place to freely share any topic around death and dying. A Death Cafe is a group-directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. The topic will be determined by attendees. The Sangha’s Death Cafe is intended to be for those who have or have had a Buddhist practice, however, no one will be turned away.
A Death Cafe is NOT a bereavement or grief counseling setting. A Death Cafe is NOT an educational forum for providing information about death and dying. The intention for gathering is to provide a safe and supportive space for a group discussion and not a lecture. Pending attendance and interest of this first Death Cafe, we are hoping to offer it quarterly.
Please plan on joining us!

Dharma Seedlings - The Brahmaviharas
This month’s Dharma Seedlings, the Brahmaviharas, takes us to the expressions of the awakened heart: Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity. Also known as the divine abodes, four immeasurables, and the four boundless qualities. These aspects are inherently present, but sometimes these get obscured, due to our inability to see clearly. When we practice in wholesome ways, we slowly, but inevitably, gain more access to these ever-present qualities of the human heart that are the natural responsiveness of our heart and mind.
In last month’s Dharma Seedlings, we explored taking refuge in the Three Gems, the first of which is taking refuge in the Buddha. When we take refuge in the Buddha, we are in part saying, “these Brahmaviharas are Buddha-nature - the essence of this heart," and “the Dharma teachings are a way to access these abodes on the way to freedom."
In the story of the Golden Buddha, a cement Buddha statue is discovered to be a pure gold Buddha that they surmise got covered over with cement during a time of thievery to protect its valuable gold. In same way, we cover our tender hearts to protect ourselves from the difficulties and pain of life. We get confused and scared and end up grasping at what can never bring us happiness; we get lost in a separate sense of self; and we lose contact with our original openness and ease. If we can turn toward the Brahmaviharas, something more wholesome may emerge - we are able to stay more present with a challenge that arises; we see a situation with more compassion; we can appreciate another’s good fortune; or maybe we can meet a situation with profound balance.
There are many ways to engage in Brahmavihara practice. This month, one invitation is to play with drenching and infusing the body in these qualities. Sense Loving Kindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity as showering through you. Or start with this intention: May whatever arises in my heart and mind be met skillfully with either Loving Kindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy or Equanimity. Practicing in these ways can help us connect with these aspects that lie dormant within us and support us on the path of freedom.
Please thank Denise Ackert for this Dharma Seedling.
Weekly & Monthly Offerings
Meditation Practices
Sundays - 5:00 - 6:00pm (Sunday Tea the first Sunday of the month after sit)
Tuesdays - Noon - 12:45pm (also available via Zoom)
Thursdays - Noon - 12:30pm
Recovery Support Groups
Mindful Recovery - Wednesdays at 7:00pm via Zoom (please email for Zoom Link)
Recovery Dharma - Thursdays in-person at 5:00pm at the Sangha House
Sangha Friends
You are invited to join the “Sangha Friends” group, which meets once a month at the Sangha house. Its purpose is to foster friendships through conversations on topics of interest. Participants will receive a discussion piece at least a week before the meeting. It may be a Ted Talk, a Lion’s Roar article, or a recording/video. We ask that you please read and review the material before attending so there is ample time for discussion during the meeting time. The material / discussion piece for each meeting will take less than an hour to review.
Sangha Friends meets the second Wednesday of the month - 6:00-7:30pm (please email sangha@salidasangha.org at least a day prior to receive the discussion material in time to review before the meeting).
Library Corner
Our Current Display features books on Meditation.

Other books on meditation are available under the subject “Mindfulness and Meditation.” Please come in to browse and check out some books from the many different categories we have available.
If using the library before and after our sits is inconvenient for you, please talk to Jackie or send her an email to arrange a different time.
We look forward to seeing you in the library!
Jackie Mart, Co-Library Manager: jackiemart759@gmail.com
Chris O' Connor, Co-Library Manager (currently away)
May our practice be of benefit to all beings everywhere.
May all beings be free.
Your SIMC Board