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Yogi jobs provide us with the opportunity to express our gratitude for our sangha and its home, the Salida Insight Meditation Community (affectionately known as the Sangha House).


Jobs include housecleaning, yard maintenance, house repairs and maintenance, snow shoveling, and set-up/clean-up for events.​  Sign up sheets can be found in the Sangha House kitchen. Thank you!!


We also have several volunteer days each year where everyone is welcome to participate, socialize, and share your time and love with the rest of the sangha. These dates are posted on our calendar, which can be found here.

Grass Cutting

“A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.”


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Salida Insight Meditation Community  |  248 D Street, Salida, CO

©2023 Salida Insight Meditation Community

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