Autumn Greetings from the SIMC Board
We are so grateful for your presence at sits, retreats, online, and in spirit, as it fuels our shared commitment to ending individual and collective suffering. So much is going on in our world and these times call for opening our hearts wider to minimize harm toward ourselves and each other. Being able to come together and sit in the midst of it all is a precious balm for us all.
Salida Sangha began to take root in 2003 with three people sitting together at the Annex of the Episcopal Church. Your persistent generosity has blossomed into the Salida Insight Meditation Community with a physical home at 248 D Street. We currently are a community with weekly meditation sits, retreats with our guiding teacher Brian Lesage and others, as well as programs like Mindfulness in the Jail, Youth and Family Mindfulness, Sangha Friends, Mindful Recovery, Recovery Dharma, Meal Trains and our ever-growing library!
Your generosity, or dana, takes many forms: house cleaning, snow shoveling, weed pulling, and also, very importantly, financial contributions. During this Autumn season, we are asking you to consider making a monthly recurring, or a one-time, or a yearly contribution of any size to support our efforts to continue to be a refuge for our community.
Some folks have asked to understand our needs more clearly. Our monthly expenses are approximately $1,460/month. To make our need simple to understand, receiving 6- $40, or 12- $20 additional recurring donations would enable us to cover our projected expenses for the coming year.
Giving to SIMC not only supports us on a practical basis, your generosity ripples out and has a profound impact on our Sangha community and the world at large. Thank you for your care and commitment to helping us offer a variety of ways for practitioners to engage with the Buddha’s
In light of the difficult conditions throughout our world, let us sit deeply with the causes and conditions that lead to suffering, violence and war and cultivate the conditions that lead to justice, humanity and nonviolence.
With deepest gratitude for you practice and generosity,
Your Salida Insight Meditation Community Board:
Kym, Paul, Denise, Carla
