Last Chance to Delve into a Pre-Fall Retreat with Brian!
Practicing Clear Intention within Meditation & Silence
September 14 -15, 2024 (Saturday 9-4; Sunday 9-3:30)
Insight meditation is a simple and direct practice, based on moment-to-moment awareness, a technique that opens the heart and clears the mind.
In the silence, we are freed from much of the daily barrage of stimulus that draws our attention outward, allowing us to delve deeply inward. Learning to be aware of our experience from a place of stillness and equanimity allows us to see more clearly, and as insight deepens, compassion and wisdom can arise. This will be an opportunity to practice continuous mindfulness in silence throughout the weekend—in sitting and walking meditation. Brian will also offer his incredible Dharma teachings and there will also be time for discussion. This retreat is designed for beginners and experienced practitioners.
This is a wonderful opportunity to practice with Brian Lesage and it's a beautiful way to practice in a sacred and safe space of retreat with the Sangha. We encourage you to register and retreat with us!
The retreat will be held at Silver Cliff Ranch - 16565 Co Rd 162, Nathrop, CO 81236. Silver Cliff Ranch is situated in a mountain setting under the beauty of Mt. Princeton's Chalk Cliffs.
If you would like to make this a residential retreat, please reach out to Silver Cliff Ranch to make your arrangements.

Sit Leader Training in October
Weekly meditation groups are continuing to grow and this is fantastic!! To help maintain this energy, we are looking for a few more sit leaders for our Sunday and Thursday group meditations and/or substitutes to fill in for some of our regular sit leaders. It won't take a lot of time, but having additional people to count on for our weekly Sangha meditations makes it better for all.
If you are interested - or even just thinking about it, we are having a sit-leader meeting/training on Sunday, October 6th at 3:00pm. We encourage anyone who has an interest to attend this training. If you are interested but don't have this date available, please reach out to
Please note that this meeting is also for current sit leaders.

Essentials of Insight Meditation Course
Tuesdays, Oct 8th-29th, 5-6:30pm
Salida Insight Meditation Community
248 D Street, Salida, CO81201
In this course, we will explore and practice some of the core teachings of Insight Meditation that lead us from suffering to more ease and freedom. Course includes sitting, walking, and loving kindness practices to bring more mindfulness and joy into everyday life, as well as Q & A periods and home practices.
This is designed for both beginning and experienced students.
Suggested Donation: $75-$105 (no one will be turned away due to inability to donate - please contact Denise for more info.)
Half-Day Retreat: Inhabiting Equanimity
Saturday, October 12, 9am-12:30pm
Salida Insight Meditation Community
248 D Street, Salida, CO81201
In this Half-Day Retreat, we will deepen our embodiment, understanding, and practice of Equanimity. We will be working with particular definitions of Equanimity, such as, "to see all things equally," in order to abide more fully in this quality of the heart. The retreat includes a dharma talk, sitting and walking meditation, and a Q & A period. The retreat is offered on Dana and supports the teacher in continuing to share the dharma.

Please contact to volunteer.
A Whole New Library - Come "Check it Out"

Take a moment to visit and immerse yourself in our magnificent “new” library. The rearrangement was made possible with the addition of new book cases and a creative rearrangement by several sangha members. You will be awed by the beautiful Buddhist statues, donated so generously by our sangha member, David Hester. The new book cases, purchased with money allocated by our board, lighten up our room and provide much-needed space for our growing collection. Check out the books displayed on the shelves in the various subject areas, as well as two shelves of displayed New Books (also newly purchased with our book budget). We invite you to come visit the library.
Note: all our books are available for check out to take home.
Many, many thanks to our sangha members for all your recent book donations. A special thanks goes to Jody and Larry for their generous gift of the multi-media set titled Insight Meditation: a step-by-step course on how to meditate with long-time experts Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg. Includes 2 CDs, an in-depth book, and study cards.
Our extensive library has developed because of your continued generous dharma book donations. Thank you ahead of time for your generosity.
Co-library managers: Chris O'Connor,
Jackie Mart,
May you be in the light of loving-kindness,
May all beings be in the light of loving-kindness,
Your Salida Sangha Board - Kym, Denise, Carla, and Paul