As we begin another trip around the sun, let us reflect on our goodness and what we bring to this world. Each of us is connected and we honor that which connects us - our humanness. No one is separate. We walk into the new year with an open heart and perhaps we work to accept the present moment, just as it is. May you walk in light, and may that light be of benefit to all beings everywhere.
Happy New Year from your SIMC Board.

Dharma Seedlings
Inspired by our Annual Meeting in December, we introduce Dharma Seedlings to our monthly newsletter. This will be a Dharma Topic with a brief description - a seedling to be nourished by your own readings and practice. It can be used as a reminder or as a learning gateway to delve deeper into your own practice. Our hope and vision is that these dharma seedlings can be nourished to be of benefit and inspirational to your practice. May this nourishment in turn, ripple out to all beings everywhere. We thank Denise Ackert for her work on this.
This month's Seedlings are the Three Gems. Also known as the three treasures or three refuges, they are central pillars of Buddhist faith and practice. In practice, we are invited to orient toward these refuges that lead to the end of suffering. Refuge means to “fly back to," “to return to." The refuges of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are the traditional safe havens/true refuges that we can return to over and over in our practice and daily life for deeper ease and freedom.
When we take refuge in the Buddha, we can see this as taking refuge in our Buddha nature, our innate goodness that is sometimes hidden. Our meditation practices help us access this inner treasure.
We can take refuge in the Dharma, or the teachings, the innumerable tools that the Buddha offered us as a means of liberating the heart and mind from suffering. Another frame is taking refuge in the truth of the way things are and in doing so, we end the push/pull in life that causes us profound stress.
Finally, we can take refuge in the Sangha - the community of Dharma practitioners and the larger community in life. The Sangha supports, encourages, and inspires us on our path. The Buddha is known to have said to his attendant Ananda that the Sangha is the whole of the holy life.
We can take refuge in these tools or orient toward them as a way of orienting toward freedom.
At our Sunday evening meditation practice, we often chant the refuges as a reminder of these three gems.
SIMC Weekly and Monthly Offerings
Sundays - 5:00 - 6:00pm (Sunday Tea the first Sunday of the month after sit)
Tuesdays - Noon - 12:45pm
Thursdays - Noon - 12:30pm
Mindful Recovery - Wednesdays at 7:00pm via Zoom
Recovery Dharma - Thursdays in-person at 5:00pm at the Sangha House
2nd Wednesday of the month - 6:00-7:30pm
Library Corner
1. Choose your library book(s), with the help of a library manager, if needed.
2. Bring them to the big, round table in the corner of the room.
3. Fill out the checkout slip located there and place it in the locked wooden box.
When returning your books, please place them inside the basket to the left of the door as you walk into the library. We'll do the rest! Library items may be checked out before or after our regular sits or at a different time by arranging with one of our library managers via email.
Jackie Mart, Co-Library Manager: jackiemart759@gmail.com
Chris O' Connor, Co-Library Manager (currently away)
May you be safe from harm. May you be strong and healthy. May you experience love, joy, and wonder. May you have a calm and clear mind.
Your SIMC Board - Carla, Denise, Jes, Kym, Paul