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Gratitude to Everyone for Supporting the Sangha

Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression: we experience joy in forming the intention to give, we experience joy in the action of giving, and we experience joy in remembering that we have given. - The Buddha

Dear Friends:

We are writing to express our deep gratitude for your generosity this year. Your care of each other and the Sangha as a whole is evident through your meditation practice, volunteering, and financial support. Whether you show up to help park cars at a retreat, clean the Sangha House, water the yard, participate on the Board, care for the library, contribute funds, or sit on your cushion here and beyond, our gratitude is boundless. And it has been an utter joy this year to be able to gather again as a community in-person. We have loved seeing you and connecting with each of you. Our hope for 2024 is for the Sangha to continue to blossom in its offerings of the Dharma. If you have any ideas that we as a Sangha can do to further support you and your practice, please reach out to us, and let us know. Our annual Board retreat is coming up mid-January and we would love your input in advance. This is your Sangha, and we want to serve you all in the most beneficial ways. We are grateful that this year we have been able to gather again in person at the Sangha House. May we all continue to end our individual and collective suffering.

We wish you all a Happy New Year,

The Salida Insight Meditation Community Board: Roberta, Kym, Paul, Phil, and Denise


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