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Spring 2024 Retreat

Finding Freedom Through Insight Meditation

Saturday, March 9 from 9:00am — 4:00pm

and Sunday, March 10 from 9:00am — 3:30pm

Mt. Princeton Resort

Upper Conference Room

Insight meditation is a simple and direct practice based on moment-to-moment awareness, a technique that opens the heart and clears the mind. This will be an opportunity to practice continuous mindfulness in silence throughout the day—in sitting and walking meditation. In the silence we are freed from much of the daily barrage of stimulus that draws our attention outward, letting us delve deeply inward. Learning to be aware of our experience from a place of stillness and equanimity allows us to see more clearly, and as insight deepens, compassion and wisdom can arise.

The retreat is designed for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Experiential meditative approaches will be offered throughout the retreat and will be supported by discussion times.

ABOUT BRIAN: Brian Lesage has practiced Buddhist meditation since 1988 and has taught meditation since 2000. He has studied in the Zen, Theravada and Tibetan schools of Buddhism. He was ordained in the Rinzai Zen tradition in 1996. His training in Vipassana Meditation includes doing extended meditation retreats in Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, and India as well as numerous retreats in the U.S. He leads retreats and teaches meditation courses nationwide. Brian also has a private practice in Somatic Experiencing, which is a naturalistic approach to healing trauma.


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